Adjunct Professor Art Phillips Director – Centre For Entrepreneurship (UBSS), will be hosting and moderating interview style guest presentations in a few select subjects in T2/2021, being 1 hour special events (45 minute interview style with 15 minute student Q&A).
The direction and intent is to engage the students with a more relaxed ‘fireside chat’ style learning experience.
The lecture room will be refitted for the events with 2 one seater black leather lounge chairs and coffee table at the front of the room with the ceiling camera focused in static mode to capture the set. The event will be live to students during the class time and recorded for UBSS content in the ‘video publication series’.
The first interview event will be featuring guest entrepreneur Frank Caruso – Founder and Executive Chair of Caruso’s Natural Health Product.
The event will be a feature in week 5, on Tuesday June 8th 2021 in the subject Entrepreneurship Report, MCR012. It will be live / online for the students in MCR012A, and will be shown again in MCR012B class the on Wednesday June 9th 2021 at 6.30 pm.
Focus of interview:
History of how the business began with the focus on innovation and development of the brand and product range. We will look at Franks life story and discuss how he introduces new products into the line and an analysis of changes in the business over the years. We will chat on marketing and distribution channels, and Frank’s advice to newcomers in developing a business start-up.
Frank will share his 10 principles to success in business.
Read more about Frank Caruso: