Sudhir Warrier, Executive Chairman / Owner, Australian Cruise Group, spoke about how he sailed into the big league with a thriving business on Sydney Harbour.
From fruit and veggies to cruise ships, combining his cultural pragmatism and Australian entrepreneurship, Sudhir discussed success in business through risk-taking.
Adjunct Professor Art Phillips, Director – Centre For Entrepreneurship / UBSS, hosted and moderated an interview style guest presentation with business entrepreneur Sudhir Warrier, Executive Chairman / Owner, Australian Cruise Group.
This event was produced in Zahra Sadeghinejad’s UBSS class, ‘Clients & Markets’, MCR005 from 12:45 pm ~ 1:45 pm on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 – online.
The direction and intent of the fireside chat style interview were to engage the students with a more relaxed learning experience for a dedicated hour duration, included a 15 minute Q&A.
The lecture room was refitted for the event with 2 single-seater black leather lounge chairs and coffee table at the front of the room with the ceiling camera focused in static mode to capture the set. The event was live to students during the class time and recorded for UBSS content in the ‘video publication series’.
This is the second UBSS ‘fireside chat’ interview event in T3/2021.
Focus of interview:
Strategy, risk-taking and evaluating business opportunities is crucial for success. Flexibility, adaptability, whilst keeping care for your clients and their experiences must always be a top priority. Sudhir discussed a case that was managed well, and one that did not go so well. He talked about negotiating strategies and acquiring new assets, and chatted about some of the differences in cultures from his Indian business affairs through his Australian businesses. We heard about Sudhir’s action plan in 2020 and 2021 dealing with survival during COVID-19.
Read more about Sudhir here.