Without a physical address in his early years of franchising, Rahul’s approach to his prospects was very proactive, by bringing the printing service to the clients doorstep. He would inform them: ‘I will come to you to understand your requirements and you will not have to leave your office’. This worked well with the majority of his clients, as it saved them a trip to a shop and leaving the comfort of their office facility.
Rahul studied printing technology in India and the UK. He started his career on the production floor and worked his way up to customer service and sales to get closer to his dream of starting his own business. After studying in UK, he visited the Drupa exhibition in Germany – the printing industry’s Mecca. The Drupa exhibition opened Rahul’s eyes to tremendous opportunities in the printing industry.
Adjunct Professor Art Phillips, Director – Centre For Entrepreneurship / UBSS, hosted and moderated an interview style guest presentation with business entrepreneur Rahul Daga.
This event was produced in Wayne Smithson’s UBSS class, ‘Leading Innovation & Change’, MHR002A from 10:00am ~ 11:00am on Thursday, October 14, 2021 – online.
The direction and intent of the fireside chat style interview were to engage the students with a more relaxed learning experience for a dedicated hour duration, included a 15 minute Q&A.
The lecture room was refitted for the event with 2 single-seater black leather lounge chairs and coffee table at the front of the room with the ceiling camera focused in static mode to capture the set. The event was live to students during the class time and recorded for UBSS content in the ‘video publication series’.
This is the third UBSS ‘fireside chat’ interview event in T3/2021.
Focus of interview:
Rahul discussed the skillsets in franchising, and how franchising works. He spoke about the development of two franchise Snap Printing locations in Sydney and the backstory of developing a successful mobile printing service.
Read more about Rahul Daga:
Rahul (above) spoke about how he built
his business under the ‘Snap’ franchise.
The mobile office of Rahul and Snap Printing,
an on-road marketing vehicle and advertising tool.