Strategically Thinking
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Strategically Thinking

As one year comes to an end (2023) and another is on the horizon (2024) the notion of strategic planning and associated thinking comes to the fore.

Higher Education Providers in Australia are required to have in place a well-thought-through and endorsed strategic plan (Threshold Standard 6.2.1b). The key elements of that plan – in relation to my own institution - are best captured in the following diagram –

student participation and attainment elementsstudent participation and attainment

With student participation and attainment at the heart of the plan – there are five key elements that are used to measure success including – growth, diversity, quality, entrepreneurship and benchmarking. I deal with each in turn.


Growth is fundamental to success but it needs to be managed in a responsible and sustainable manner. Growth is important because it provides us with a level of confidence, and in turn, available resource that helps provide for better student participation and attainment. Managing resources (both human and capital) becomes increasingly more complex as an organisation grows – this then becomes the accompanying challenge of growth.


Diversity tells us about who we are. In our case - it also provides our international students with a truly international community experience across Australia (Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide) on which we are able to overlay a quality operation.  A diverse community reflects the diversity that is modern Australia.


Quality is an essential measure that is complex - yet relatively straightforward. By establishing well-thought-through (and attainable) targets our organisation is able to monitor its own progress and at the same time be assured that student welfare is maintained and quality outcomes (all measurable) are achieved. The measures need to be realistic at all times.


Entrepreneurship has always been a focus at my own institution – and this sets us apart. Our postgraduate programs (in particular) have a distinct entrepreneurial feel about them – and we attempt to provide students with appropriate measures of Work Integrated Learning (WIL) as well as access to mentors and experts.


Benchmarking (both internal and external) is essential and helps us to understand ourselves better and map our performance accordingly. We are in the fortunate position, now, of having a number of longitudinal studies in place providing us with significant data for measuring and comparing.


Strategic Planning cannot be effective if done in isolation. Every attempt is made to include as many staff and stakeholders as possible. Targets need to be challenging – yet realistic. Ongoing reporting against the KPIs is also fundamental to success and continuous improvement and this should be done on a regular basis – ideally, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually. There can never be too much sharing!

My own School has in place a Strategic Plan (2024-2027) that is endorsed by the GCA Board of Directors (November 21, 2023) –


Emeritus Professor Greg Whateley is Deputy Vice-Chancellor (UBSS) and Chief Executive Officer (GCA).