The Three Big Issues for International Students

International education is complicated and heavily regulated at any time – but during the current COVID-19 period a more sensible regime was imposed across the country. Certain regulations were relaxed in an attempt at simplification – but are slowly being reinstated. The three key issues relate to the number of work hours permitted each fortnight; the return to face to face classes (F2F); and the percentage of study permitted to remain on line while on shore.…

A Matter of Academic Authenticity & Integrity

COVID-19 and the rush to offer everything tertiary online has, as everybody appreciates, shifted the sands in respect to how university education is experienced. This includes further moves into assessing courses remotely via online assignments, quizzes, and allied tests.…

Enhancing Student Support

There is little doubt that student support and learner engagement are essential elements of our environment, especially during these times of on line learning where isolation may become an issue.…

Digital Classrooms – Are They a Permanent Alternative?

Some practices and ways of working, historically, have proven more enduring than others. Digital nomadism actually represents a huge step away from the long-established experiences and traditions of human learning which have customarily relied upon F2F (face to face) human interactions. COVID-19 may have been an accelerant for the uptake of electronically mediated engagement, but will it be an enduring shift into working from anywhere (for students and academics for example) or will such a transition take much longer – or simply return to F2F at some stage.…

WeWork – Does Work

The working from anywhere (WFA) phenomenon – or at least the growth of the idea in more recent times – has also highlighted other options such as shared work spaces that can be scaled up or down depending on daily, weekly, monthly (or even longer) requirements. One such option is wework.…

Developing A Culture of Scholarship

From the outset it is important to actually understand what scholarship is all about. Each institution needs to focus in on how best they are served – one size does not fit all!…

Possible Secrets to Success Working in Any Context

Successful degree completion is the product of persistent hard work, self-motivation and occasional sleep deprivation. These same elements are essential in your career. Irrespective of whether you are working on site, working from home – or for that matter working from anywhere – the basic principles of good human relationships are essential.…