External Markets and Associated Risks

The business student again turned up to class early to speak to his professor about risk and specifically about external markets. The lecturer was beginning to sense that the student had an interest…

Thinking and Acting Transnationally

GCA has ironically always been a transnational thinker in that students come from all around the world to study with us. On the last count (T1, 2024) students hailed from some 30 countries.To be truly…

Regulatory Compliance

The business student turned up to class - and while waiting for the lecture to begin - thanked the professor for assisting the previous week where the definition and broad-brush risk issues were…

The Injured Attendee

I was running a public training course on business improvement and wanted to run an interactive case study on disputed contract variations. To do this I broke the class into two teams and asked them…

The AFH (Attendee from Hell)

I make a living from business consulting and facilitating award higher education courses and seminars for executives. I enjoy my work. My consulting keeps me current and provides case studies for my…

What Is A ‘Concept Campus’?

It has been a long-held activity by supermarkets (for example) to establish a ‘concept store’ – trialling new ideas and products – once tested if found to be successful/popular, are then rolled out…