Student Support - Academic and Non-Academic

An important part of the provision of a Higher Education Provider (HEP) is the vital area of student support. This falls into two categories – Academic (Learning Support) and Non-academic (Student…

What Needs to Be On A HEP Website?

A close look at a range of quality sites (benchmarking) and an acknowledgement of Threshold Standard (7.2) that requires ‘the existence of a readily accessible public description of the provider and…

Good Compliance - Is Good Business

For reasons unknown, many find the term ‘compliance’ either off-putting or unnecessarily tedious. Not so. Fundamental to success is knowing the rules and regulations within any endeavour and higher…

It Is a Matter of Standards

As observed and evident, these are indeed a comprehensive set of standards that need to be examined and adhered to, not to mention regularly reviewed and audited. My own institution is well-placed across all the domains.…