Student Support - Academic and Non-Academic
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Student Support - Academic and Non-Academic

An important part of the provision of a Higher Education Provider (HEP) is the vital area of student support. This falls into two categories – Academic (Learning Support) and Non-academic (Student Support). My own institution makes a clear distinction between the two and ensures that this is overviewed by an Associate Dean – Learning Support and a Director – Student Support.

This does not mean that there is no overlap – support simply does not work like that – and often student issues involve both academic and non-academic support – but for the ease of understanding coverage and approach the two are divided.


Academic (Learning) Support

Focus areas for this team include – assisting students with their learning and associated skills development; providing individual advice and guidance to students on a range of matters academic; providing individual consultation with students as required; providing lecture and tutorial support as required; assisting with bookings as required; working co-operatively with the campus staff to create a positive and welcoming environment; and taking an active role in hybrid and face to face supervision.

My own institution currently has 3.2 dedicated staff in the space - over three campuses - available face-to-face and/or virtual.


Non-academic (Student) Support

Focus areas for this team include – assisting students with enrolment processes; activating student accounts both in the learning management system (LMS) and the student management system (SMS); ensuring ongoing access to the necessary APPS and software; supporting enrolment variations; providing directory assistance; enabling leave applications; ensuring student welfare; and being available to students for a range of other queries in a timely way.

My own institution currently has 4 dedicated staff in this space - over three campuses - available face-to-face and/or virtual.


Student Support, Student Welfare and Student Safety

Clear evidence of this support is essential given the upcoming emphasis anticipated around the topic within the Sector given the move back to face-to-face delivery. Institutions need to self-assure that they have in place the necessary mechanisms and intent.

My own institution has in place a number of policies and support mechanisms that attempt to ensure students are well looked after beyond the current high level of learning and teaching evidenced in outstanding student feedback on units (SFUs) and most recent QILT outcomes.

See –

Developing effective student support -

Student support and well-being at UBSS -

UBSS mental health strategy -

Wellbeing and safety at UBSS -

Wellbeing and safety policy -


Emeritus Professor Greg Whateley is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (UBSS) and the Chief Executive Officer (GCA)