Grade Moderation Process

In 2023 we will commence using the standard university bell curve (normal distribution) system with reference to our results.…

Scholarship Can Take on Many Forms

The very notion of scholarship (as distinct from research) can in fact take on many forms. From the outset UBSS has established a clear understanding of what scholarship actually means in the context of a teaching and learning environment within the Higher Education sector.…

The New Dichotomy – Quality Versus Reputation

Sadly, there now appears to be a dichotomy between quality versus reputation as evidenced in the Quality Indicators of Learning and Teaching (QILT) Student Experience Survey outcomes. We have high-end performances from private providers and low-end performances from our high-profile public universities. There was a time that quality and reputation was one and the same – but not so any more.…

The Yellow Line and The Giraffe – A Cautionary Tale of Compliance

Sometimes it is useful to create a metaphor to remind us of the importance of things and make sure the meaning is as clear as possible. Compliance is an essential element of good governance in all sectors – and especially the higher education sector. Therefore the use of a metaphor is an excellent opportunity to reinforce the importance of remaining inside the rules and not over reaching.…

Not The Smartest Idea – A Forced Return to Campus

The Australian Government – via its ESOS Act (supported by the HE Regulator TEQSA) - has decided that a return to campus for students (from July 1) is the best thing to do. The idea is largely driven by a concern for real estate and retail – certainly not the health and welfare of students.…