Ten Key Shifts Transforming Organisations

A recent paper by Guggenberger, Maor, Park and Simon (2023) – contributing to a McKinsey Report – The State of Organisations 2023: Ten shifts transforming organisations – highlighted 10 key organisational shifts in 2023 that are worth considering and contextualising in our own environment.…

WIL – Work Integrated Learning

The ideal is that there is a practical, work based element to everything we teach in a business school ensuring students are well versed and ready for the work force (and all it has to throw at them) on graduation.…

The Games People Play

I believe more attention needs to be placed on what is the core function and raîson d’étre of educational institutions and that is teaching. So the question what can we do to improve the teaching experience of our students? One new model of education that has emerged in recent years is that of ‘gamification’.…

Why Is Scholarship Important?

Scholarship is largely to do with currency – that is being able to demonstrate that we are informed, reflective and that what we do is relevant to both our profession and the students we teach.…

A Return to Campus for Students and Staff – Part of The New Reality

As we emerge from the shadows of COVID-19 the two most striking changes to be experienced will be a gradual return of students to UBSS campuses (hybrid) and a full return to campus by UBSS staff. Both initiatives will create a new set of demands and challenges – that no doubt will be faced ‘head on’.…


In discussing higher education, perhaps not enough attention is paid to the actual work in the classroom, the teaching itself and improving that. The term ‘teacherpreneurism’ has been used to denote a certain approach and style of teaching. The word obviously combines ‘teacher’ and ‘entrepreneur’.…

The Challenges and Logic of Online, Blended and Hybrid Learning Delivery

With the challenges of COVID-19 mostly behind us – do not become complacent, cases are still very high and married with the flu season, caution is paramount (not to mention vaccination) – a consideration of the three basic modes of delivery is timely. Each serves a purpose but one is the most logical and flexible moving forward.…