What Are Threshold Standards and Why Are They Important?

The Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) was refreshed in 2021 with very few minor changes in fact. The standards articulate the requirements that must be met for both registration and accreditation as a Higher Education Provider.…

MBA – Measure Business Always

Irrespective of the nature of the business it is essential to regularly measure success/failure using client and staff feedback. One of the most useful mechanisms for this is the survey.…

AI, Disruption and Assessment

The ongoing chatter about ChatGPT and its potential for disrupting higher education raises some interesting questions, particularly about assessment which is the key indicator success or failure in a subject and ultimately in the successful completion of post-graduate awards.…

Concern About Student Wellbeing – Myth or Reality

There is significant chatter on the topic of student wellbeing. In some quarters the view is that COVID-19 pandemic has decimated wellbeing and created a significant range of dysfunction in the student community - at all levels.…

Streaming University, Pty

Slipping into our lives overnight like an unanticipated technological ninja, AI threatens to derail the very fabric of our current education system, or so it is said by some. Unquestionably, it clearly does have huge potential to negatively impact both academic integrity and revenue.…

A Matter of Credibility and Authenticity

With a focus on international education - notions around credibility and authenticity have never been more important to the Sector given our emergence from the shadows of the pandemic. The Australian reputation for high quality education and delivery must be guarded at all costs – and any concerns relating to integrity and authenticity must be met head on – and out credibility must be ensured at all costs.…

A University for Teachers

Minister Jason Clare has just announced plans for wide reviewing of education sectors in Australia and there will be an inevitable (almost customary) time-lag between the fervour of a new government announcing its potential reforms, reviewing the sectors in question, and determining how reforms might be enabled. Nothing to see here – not as yet.…

Transformational Leadership Is the New Reality

Leadership and management have been discussed and employed for many years – there are very few postgraduate courses that do not cover the key associated issues. Transformational leadership, though not a new concept (Burns 1978), is emerging as the mode of leadership best suited to the new reality and to these hanging times.…

The Commonwealth Privateers

It’s a bit like one of those Christmas cracker riddles. In the UK it might be a question such as, ‘What claims to be public but is actually very private? Answer: The elite public (private) schooling system.’ Here in Australia, we could easily replace that conundrum with one of our own. ‘What claims to be ‘not for profit’ but is actually very ‘profit driven? The answer, of course, is ‘our government subsidised university sector.’…